Top Podcast CDNs by Episode Share (February 2025)

In our third and final installment observing the current state of the podcast world, as measured by number of new episodes produced in February 2025, we wanted to take a look at which underlying CDNs serve which episodes, and which podcast hosting companies use which network.

See our earlier analyses of podcast hosts by episode share and podcast trackers by episode share

In general, every podcast episode has a single url that tells the podcast client app what to play. However, this episode-level url might redirect several times in the course a single download request, through various first and third-party trackers, before ultimately landing at the internet host responsible for serving the audio file byte payload.

This last entity in the chain is what we are interested in for this analysis. Bandwidth costs are still non-trivial for hosting providers, hence most of them use a third-party content delivery network (CDN) to minimize this cost, and also to provide lower-latency global distribution.

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We started with our universe of every single new podcast episode published (about 1.5 million in February 2025), and mapped the underlying host of the last entity in the request chain to a known CDN or network provider. We were able to identify the underlying network for 99.91% of the universe.

First, a quick chart of the top podcast CDNs over time, based on share of new episodes every month.

Amazon Cloudfront and Cloudflare are the clear top two CDNs of new podcast episodes.

Now let’s graph the same data again, excluding them to see the others more clearly.

And finally, the top 50 podcast content delivery networks ordered by share percentage of new episodes published during the month of February 2025.

If significant, we also list the top podcast hosting companies using each CDN, and the percentage of their own episodes allocated to the network.

1. Amazon Cloudfront · 61.91%

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) operated by Amazon Web Services with over 275 edge locations on six continents.

For episodes that used Amazon Cloudfront, here are the top underlying podcast hosts, and percentage of their own episodes allocated to this network:

  1. Spotify for Creators 100%
  2. Spreaker 100%
  3. Libsyn 100%
  4. Simplecast 100%
  5. 100%
  6. Acast 99%
  7. Soundcloud 100%
  8. RedCircle 100%
  9. Audioboom 100%
  10. Blubrry 100%

2. Cloudflare · 15.23%

Cloudflare is an American web infrastructure and website security company that provides content delivery network (in over 250 cites in over 100 countries) and DDoS mitigation services. Cloudflare’s services sit between a website’s visitor and the customer’s hosting provider, acting as a reverse proxy for websites.

For episodes that used Cloudflare, here are the top underlying podcast hosts, and percentage of their own episodes allocated to this network:

  1. Buzzsprout 100%
  2. Transistor 100%
  3. Ausha 100%
  4. Castos 89%
  5. SoundOn 91%
  6. Podomatic 100%
  7. Kajabi 100%
  8. 100%
  9. 100%
  10. Pinecast 99%

3. Akamai · 6.09%

Akamai is a global content delivery network (CDN), cybersecurity, and cloud service company, providing web and Internet security services. Akamai’s Intelligent Edge Platform is one of the world’s largest distributed computing platforms.

For episodes that used Akamai, here are the top underlying podcast hosts, and percentage of their own episodes allocated to this network:

  1. Megaphone 100%
  2. Captivate 99%
  3. NPR 100%
  4. Radio France Internationale 100%
  5. Deutschlandradio 100%
  6. Sveriges Radio 100%
  7. NHK 100%
  8. Westdeutscher Rundfunk 100%
  9. Bayerischer Rundfunk 100%
  10. SRF 100%

4. OVH · 4.27%

OVH is a French cloud computing company which offers VPS, dedicated servers and other web services. As of 2016 OVH owned the world’s largest data center in surface area.

For episodes that used OVH, here are the top underlying podcast hosts, and percentage of their own episodes allocated to this network:

  1. Podbean 100%
  2. Octopus 100%
  3. Enacast 100%
  4. Zeno Media 100%
  5. Djpod 100%
  6. Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona 100%
  7. CHGA 100%
  8. Flumotion 100%

5. Hetzner · 1.95%

Hetzner Online GmbH is an Internet hosting company and data center operator based in Gunzenhausen, Germany.

For episodes that used Hetzner, here are the top underlying podcast hosts, and percentage of their own episodes allocated to this network:

  1. Podigee 100%
  2. 100%
  3. 100%
  4. 100%
  5. 100%
  6. Kabbalah Media 100%
  7. Kerkdienst Gemist 100%
  8. Julep Hosting 50%
  9. Podcastbude 52%
  10. KBOO 100%

6. Triton Digital · 1.37%

Triton Digital, formerly Triton Media Group, is a digital audio technology and advertising company based in Los Angeles.

7. Fastly · 1.27%

Fastly’s CDN service follows the reverse proxy model, routing all website traffic through their own servers instead of providing a ‘’ address to store site-specific files. It then fetches content from the point of presence nearest to the location of the requesting user, out of nearly 60 worldwide.

For episodes that used Fastly, here are the top underlying podcast hosts, and percentage of their own episodes allocated to this network:

  1. Squarespace 100%
  2. ART19 100%
  3. Podspace 100%
  4. RTVE 100%
  5. 100%
  6. RTP 100%
  7. Faithlife Sermons 100%
  8. Audion 98%
  9. Onda Cero 96%
  10. Lightcast 100%

8. Amazon S3 · 0.57%

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service offering industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.

For episodes that used Amazon S3, here are the top underlying podcast hosts, and percentage of their own episodes allocated to this network:

  1. the Cloud Network 96%
  2. Feedpress 31%
  3. Nucleus 100%
  4. Voxnest 68%

9. Hivelocity · 0.47%

Hivelocity provides Dedicated Servers, Colocation and Cloud Hosting services to customers from over 130 countries since 2002. Hivelocity operates 31 data centers on 4 continents.

For episodes that used Hivelocity, here are the top underlying podcast hosts, and percentage of their own episodes allocated to this network:

  1. Omny Studio 12%
  2. iVoox 17%
  3. Triton Digital 14%
  4. Securenet Systems 34%
  5. Podcast 45 100%

10. Google Cloud · 0.41%

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google that provides a series of modular cloud services including computing, data storage, data analytics, and machine learning, alongside a set of management tools.

For episodes that used Google Cloud, here are the top underlying podcast hosts, and percentage of their own episodes allocated to this network:

  1. Podcastle 100%
  2. Civic Media 100%
  3. Podetize 100%
  4. Radiotalk 100%
  5. Il Sole 24 Ore 100%
  6. Podeo 64%
  7. Listen2.AI 100%
  8. Casted 61%


  1. SoundStack · 0.38%
  2. Zenlayer · 0.30%
  3. MTS Cloud · 0.27%
  4. CDN77 · 0.23%
  5. Segra · 0.22%
  6. Amazon EC2 · 0.22%
  7. Alibaba Cloud CDN · 0.21%
  8. Hurricane Electric · 0.18%
  9. Tata Communications · 0.18%
  10. Unified Layer · 0.18%
  1. Microsoft · 0.16%
  2. DreamHost · 0.14%
  3. IONOS Cloud · 0.13%
  4. Server Room · 0.12%
  5. Internet Archive · 0.12%
  6. Deft · 0.11%
  7. 1G Servers · 0.11%
  8. CacheFly · 0.10%
  9. Automattic · 0.09%
  10. Intergrid · 0.09%
  1. GTT Communications · 0.09%
  2. GoDaddy · 0.09%
  3. Sharpstream · 0.09%
  4. DigitalOcean · 0.08%
  5. Linode · 0.08%
  6. Edgeuno · 0.07%
  7. Leaseweb · 0.07%
  8. · 0.07%
  9. Constant · 0.07%
  10. 2 connect · 0.06%
  1. Wasabi · 0.06%
  2. SWAN · 0.06%
  3. Host Europe · 0.06%
  4. NETRACK Russia · 0.05%
  5. SPIE ICS · 0.05%
  6. GMO Internet Group · 0.04%
  7. Webhost LLC · 0.04%
  8. Network Solutions · 0.04%
  9. ReeVo (ITNet) · 0.04%
  10. o2switch · 0.04%

Analysis by John Spurlock

Thanks to the Podcast Index and other sources, for giving us signals of when to check for new episodes in public podcasts.

Also thanks to the Open Podcast Analytics Working Group for maintaining a list of media url patterns and analytics services patterns. We’ve incorporated these patterns along with some of our own to come up with the host and analytics service identification and metadata for this ranking.

And thanks to folks working at various networks to help us identify each one as accurately as possible.

Updated 2025-03-01, with data for the month of February 2025.

Updated 2025-02-03, with data for the month of January 2025.

Updated 2025-01-02, with data for the month of December 2024.

Updated 2024-12-01, with data for the month of November 2024.

Updated 2024-11-06, with data for the month of October 2024.

Updated 2024-10-01, with data for the month of September 2024.

Updated 2024-09-01, with data for the month of August 2024.

Updated 2024-08-01, with data for the month of July 2024.

Updated 2024-07-02, with data for the month of June 2024.

Updated 2024-06-01, with data for the month of May 2024.

Updated 2024-05-01, with data for the month of April 2024.

Updated 2024-04-02, with data for the month of March 2024.

Updated 2024-03-02, with data for the month of February 2024.

Updated 2024-02-02, with data for the month of January 2024.

Updated 2024-01-02, with data for the month of December 2023.

Updated 2023-12-03, with data for the month of November 2023. Highwinds/StackPath exited the CDN business, contracts moved to Akamai.

Updated 2023-11-02, with data for the month of October 2023.

Updated 2023-10-01, with data for the month of September 2023.

Updated 2023-09-01, with data for the month of August 2023.

Updated 2023-08-02, with data for the month of July 2023.

Updated 2023-07-01, with data for the month of June 2023.

Updated 2023-06-01, with data for the month of May 2023.

Updated 2023-05-05, with data for the month of April 2023.

Updated 2023-04-01, with data for the month of March 2023.

Updated 2023-03-01, with data for the month of February 2023.

Updated 2023-02-01, with data for the month of January 2023.

Updated 2023-01-02, with data for the month of December 2022.

Updated 2022-12-01, with data for the month of November 2022.

Updated 2022-11-03, with data for the month of October 2022.

Updated 2022-10-03, with data for the month of September 2022.

Updated 2022-09-01, with data for the month of August 2022.

Updated 2022-08-01, with data for the month of July 2022.

Updated 2022-07-01, with data for the month of June 2022.

Updated 2022-06-01, with data for the month of May 2022.

Updated 2022-05-01, with data for the month of April 2022.

Updated 2022-04-05, RSS Podcasting is now known as

Updated 2022-04-04, with data for the month of March 2022 and a new graph.

Updated 2022-03-03, with data for the month of February 2022.

Updated 2022-02-10, with data for the month of January 2022.

Updated 2022-01-10, with data for the month of December 2021.

Updated 2021-11-15, with data for the month of November 2021.

Updated 2021-11-15, with data for the month of October 2021.

Updated 2021-10-21: Was showing the top 20, now showing the top 50, added thanks about feedback from networks.

Previous versions:

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